Wednesday, August 27, 2014


                                   The Author.
                            Melvin Douglas Smart.
 About the Author: Melvin Douglas Smart was born in Exeter in Southwest England.   He now lives in a small mountain village in northern Spain. When not writing, he enjoys oil painting, hiking, and walking in the mountains.  
Melvin has written two successful novels, Seaweed his first novel inspired by the 10 years he spent in the merchant navy, and the second novel tilted The Hills of Death based on his years spent as a coffee farmer in Costa Rica.

Novel Shows Life on the Seas
During the Turbulent 1960s
The protracted Cold War between the Soviet Union and the West was reaching its height in the late 1960s. Confrontation between the Arab states and Israel had forced the closure of the Suez Canal to shipping. In the Far East, a violent political war was raging in Vietnam, and across Northern Africa, a deadly famine was beginning to take its grip on the population.
In these serious times of worldwide turmoil, the gripping novel Seaweed takes place. It tells of a fictional sea voyage by the British merchant vessel M.V. Auroras. This compelling tale of sea-faring life and the events that occurred on the ship is told from the perspective of Alex Bevan, the ship’s young radio officer.
After three years of college, Alex has just completed his first voyage as a qualified ships radio officer. He returns home on leave but soon gets called to join his next ship, the M.V. Auroras. Meet the rest of the crew including the captain, a Welshman in his sixties, who likes his beer and dominates the ship with his loud penetrating voice.
 SEAWEED (ISBN: 978-1-62212-587-6) is now available for $16.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website: or at or
WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email

                                  The Hills of Death

Two Men’s Fates Merge inthe Jungles of Central America

                           Supernatural Thriller
                   Pulls Out All the Stops


The Hills of Death: Los Cerros de la Muerte involves two separate stories with two main characters. The first is Englishman Alex Bevan, who having become disillusioned with life, in a moment of inspiration sells his home in England, and travels to Central America to become a coffee farmer, where his life becomes a constant struggle to survive.

Haunted by recurring nightmares, Alex’s journey takes him deep into the jungle, where unknown dangers and fabulous riches await. Or do they?

The second character is a Colombian named Juan Calderon. After finishing college, he wants to join his rich uncle’s growing business. Both men lead separate lives, until one day fate brings them together and they experience supernatural horror. What happens next in this intriguing adventure novel?

There’s a reason the place is called The Hills of Death!

TheTHE HILLS OF DEATH: LOS CERROS DE LA MUERTE (ISBN: 978-1-62857-522-4) is now available for $18.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website:  Amazon E-Books $10.01 Kindle etc. or at or

WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors.

Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers,

universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email